Discover an 8-stage process to lead your church from no small groups to an expanding base of small groups! These eight stages have been developed from interviews with pastors of North American small group-based churches. Learn from their successes and more importantly, their struggles.
The stages are:
1. Discover the Mission of the Relational Church
2. Develop Vision and Strategy as a Team
3. Assess Your Current Reality
4. Prepare Your Church Through Transformation
5. Launch Your First Groups with Kingdom-seekers
6. Generate Holistic Small Group Momentum
7. Establish the Hidden Systems that Support Groups
8. Expand Your Small Groups to Reach the Unreached
These stages break down the transformation process into eight manageable parts. If your church is just beginning the process, this book will help you focus on building holistic small groups on a deep, relational foundation. If you are in the midst of developing your groups, the process highlights where you focus your energy. No matter the stage of your small group development in your church, the process found here will help you identify how far you have advanced and help you articulate a plan that fits your church.